Happy Fridays!!!! It's Friday, It's Friday, how does the song go? We are surviving our first week of school. Yesterday was a lot better than the previous days. Aubriella's teacher even texted me to say Ella didn't cry, it was the best news ever, and I really love her teacher. If she has a good day at school again today she will get a surprise pizza dinner out somewhere, if not then I will be making something at home. Lets hope for a good day.
Time for another linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for some Friday Favorite, just some randomness of the past week.
Monday night cheerleeding got cancelled. Ella asked for a movie night, Descendents 2 again. I decided to do a facemask, then Ella wanted some too. Now that she is back in school and bedtime is between 8 and 830, it means movie nights start at 6.
I lay on the ground to get hot wheel cars that my little prince charming decided to roll under the couch. To him that means lets just on mommy's back and make her a pony.
Lets just say he is my little dare devil always giving me heart attacks.
Trying out a new bottle of wine we got in Michigan. I really needed it on Wednesday. It has been a long week.
Yesterday was the first game for Ohio State, just representing.
Have a wonderful long holiday weekend. !!!!
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