Happy Monday!!! It has been a crazy, exhausting, but extremely fun weekend. I am glad that it is Monday and things slow down some and we get back into a routine.
I have to start by warning you, I posted a lot of pictures today.
Friday night was very quiet and low key for me. Aubriella went to her dad's for the night. Brian took Austin to his parents house to watch the Indians Game while I stayed home and rested, took an uninterrupted shower and read a book. It was wonderful.
Saturday morning we had a cheer game. The weather was beautiful, 73 degrees, compared to the weekend before when it was the lower 60's.
Aubriella is doing better at learning the cheers and is having fun at the games.
Austin went with us this time. He had his own chair, snacks, and garbage trucks to play with. I stood up for 5 seconds and he stole my seat.
He also sat with me and cuddled for a little bit. Austin did a lot better than I anticipated. He walked around for probably 20 minutes with Brian, but besides that stayed over by us. My little boy is growing up.
After cheer we headed home, Ella changed her clothes and we hit the road again. (Brian was with Austin.) Ella had a snack after cheer. I made my quick super foods shake to drink on the drive.
Saturday was Girl Scouts day at the Cleveland Metro Parks Zoo. If the girl was pre-registered by a certain date they got a free ticket to the zoo to be used on only Saturday. You could also buy discounted tickets online for the family. Ella and I went and enjoyed some mother daughter time and Girl Scouts activities.
We got there around 12:30 and had to park in the overflow parking at the top of the zoo. I had only ever parked up here once before and that was for Boo at the Zoo. I was surprised and excited to see it so crazy busy and so many Girl Scouts.
What zoo trip wouldn't be complete without sitting on the statues around the zoo.
We have been going to the zoo for years, have been members and we honestly never took the time to watch the Elephant Crossing. Ella and I got to the Elephants 10 minutes before the crossing was scheduled to start. We decided to stay and watch. It is pretty cool to see the Elephants up close and see what features makes each Elephant unique.
One of the Girl Scout craft stations set up was to make butterflies out of coffee filters. Ella had fun making it. We added an extra pipe cleaner and made it into a hairtye.
Another station was a to make "Swap Craft". They had some ideas and gave you some leaves, pipe clears, wiggly eyes, pins, and more. Ella made a pin with a spider on a leaf ad also some sort of ball. She had fun and could have stayed there making crafts all day.
Ella loved the Putt Putt station. The guy showed her how to properly stand, line up, place her hands, and putt. She actually did very good. Now she wants to go play Putt Putt again.
We had another first. In the animal hospital there is an observation window where you can watch animals get exams, surgery, etc. We got to see a Langur get an exam.
We stood and watched for a good 5 minutes then Ella was done.
Here is 1 of the tigers in the new Tiger Passage. It was the first time we saw all three tigers active and moving.
Another photo opp station. Ella wanted me in with her too.
The Cleveland Zoo may no longer have any polar bears, but they still have the statues.
Another statue that we never see. It is outside the overflow entrance.
After the zoo we spent the rest of the evening at home. Playing with trains and cars inside.
Playing outside on their swing set. Austin likes to be a big boy and wants to swing on the big swing and not his baby swing. Ella was great a pushing him as he goes "WEEEEEEEE"
Our swingset was probably the best investment for our kids this summer.
Sunday morning is my day to make my weekly menu, grocery list, and grocery shopping. We decided to go as a family to BJ's Wholesale and made a stop at Maria's Field of Hope It is a beautiful sunflower field in memory of Maria who died of glioma brain tumors. All proceeds goes to the finding the cure for kids cancer.
It has become a tradition that we go every year. Throughout the fields are signs with names, pictures, and years of kids who have died from brain cancer. This year Ella asked lots of questions.
Austin loved running around the field, ended up taking his shoes off and wanted to take home dead sunflower stalks.
Pictures didn't go so well with the sun being so bright.
It also wasn't planned that we all had on Disney shirts.
After grocery shopping Brian worked on painting more of our deck. (One day it may be done). He had some additional help. Austin ended up painting Ella's leg, foot, and his own stomach. All in good fun, plus memories.
After painting both kids got baths, then headed to Brian's parents for family dinner. We stayed and the kids played for a little bit. Then it was home to get ready for bed and school.
Hope you had a great weekend.
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