Happy Friday. We have been having a pretty good, uneventful week. Our weather is supposed to be warming up this weekend in Northern Ohio. Tomorrow's high is 43, that is so much better than teens and single digits. It is like a heat wave for a few days.
I am linking up with these three lovely ladies, Erika, Narci, and Andrea for some of my favorites from this past week for Friday Favorites.
My favorite quote of the week. "Only YOU Can Make YOU Happy"!!!! Right now this means so much to me. You can expect to pour from an empty cup and take care of others, love others, and help others if you can't take care of, love, or help yourself.
Monday all the kids had off school for MLK Day. We scheduled a play date with our friend Heather and my sister Sarah. It was nice that we got some adult time, the 3 older girls get along, and the 3 younger kids get along as well as is expected for 2 and 3 year olds.
Ella finally asked to make one of her fizz bombs she got for Christmas. It is an LOL Fizz Maker. We made a mess, I burnt my finger on citric acid (I already had a cut on my hand), and were disappointed you couldn't use it in the tub, but still had a lot of fun.
Yes This is my fridge, you know the one with the freezer on the bottom. Mr. Independent Daredevil, gets a stool or chair and climbs up to get Hersey Kisses.
Ella fell and scraped her knee and had to have a band aid. Someone else also needed a sympathy band aid.
It wouldn't be Thursday without Austin sitting on the back of the couch watching the garbage truck go by. I can't wait for it to be warm out again so we can sit outside and watch.
Week 3 of gymnastics and Ella is loving it even more and progressing so much. This bar so far is her favorite. The coach helps the girls do a flip then hold themselves up. Ella said we need to get a bar for at home, and a balance beam.
My favorite meal from the week. We are back to our healthy active lifestyle. Honey lemon salmon with steamed broccoli, and brown rice quinoa blend.
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