Preparing to Succeed With A New Routine

Happy Monday. What better time than a Monday to start a new routine. This past weekend I prepared as much as possible to make it easy to succeed in my new routine/schedule. Sometimes the hardest part of figuring out where to start and what to do. 

What works for me, may not work for you. You have to try different techniques to see what works each person. Everyone is different in their needs, requirements, and priorities. Over the years I have dramatically changed and tried new routines based on what has worked and what hasn't worked. I highly recommend this book:

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It gives some great pointers, ideas, and examples how to have a productive morning. I use some of his techniques in my new routine. Hal also has more personalized books for Real Estate Agents, Network Marketers, Parents and Families, Entrepreneurs, College Students, and many more.

My priority
My New Year Resolution was to be more intentional with my life. I want to take a step back and put myself first, making self a priority again. To me that means getting back into a fitness routine, eating healthy, and bettering myself. 

Staying Organized

I am a pen and paper to do list maker. My house is full of to do list, goal books, notes, and calendars. I personally need things visually in my face. I also love crossing things off, a lot of times I use a highlighter so I can still read what I did. To help me stay organized I bought a Happy Planner. It makes my life easier by having my schedule (including the whole family), a section for notes, my blog schedule, monthly goals, important dates... all in one place. 

I love my weekly to do list schedule. I found it at Target in the dollar bin forever ago. On Sunday as I'm planning my week I write down what I need to get done each day, including my workouts, dishes (because I hate them), my reading, blog posts, etc. In the notes section I list items I want to get done but have no specific day to do it. When I complete a task I highlight so I know it is completed, but I can still read it. 

In our kitchen we have a dry erase calendar with everyone's schedule (only activities that effect everyone else, not Brian working and having a showing that is only in the phone). We also have our weekly dinner menu. I have listed what I am making for my family, then to the side is modified with what I am having with my nutrition plan. My goal is to not make 2 different meals a night, just to modify what I am eating and what the rest of the family is eating. Such as on Tuesday the family is having cheeseburgers and fries. I will be having a burger salad with Dijon dressing. 

Meal Planning and Food Prepping

For the next 97 days I am completing a new fitness program that has "timed nutrition" as well as workouts 6 days a week. What this means is I have to eat specific foods categories before my workout, after my workout, then every 2-3ish hours after each meal. I will admit making my menu yesterday was very overwhelming. I think I got the hang of it and next week will be a lot smoother and quicker. 
I did my menu on excel and stated exactly what I will be eating, what color container it goes in (which determines how much I get to eat), and what time I will eating. This is getting printed out and will hang in the kitchen so there will be no question about what I am eating and when. 
Food prepping can be time consuming and overwhelming. Since I am a stay at home mom I have the option to prepare each meal at the time I will be eating it. I did however take time to cut up some veggies to make meals a little quicker, like onion, celery, peppers, and brussel sprouts. As soon as I get home from shopping I do an apple cider vingear was on all my product. I fill the sink half way with luke warm water than add a cup of ACV. Let soak for 5 minutes, rinse, dry and store. This makes for ready to eat fruits and veggies. 

Workout Space

I know myself that if I don't have a designated workout space set up I will come up with an excuse not to workout. My plan is to workout at 6am before anyone else is awake. I'm afraid if I workout in the living room I will wake up one of the kids. My ideal space is our basement. It is in the process (and has been since we moved in) of being re-done. I cleaned a space, got all my equipment organized (weights, loops, and sliders), found my mats, hung up my workout calendar, .... Now I have no excuse or delay in getting my workout done. 

Other Tips
- Write out your plan, not just in your head. Such as I wake up and eat pre-workout meal while I am writing my daily gratitude's and reading a development books.
- Evaluate your goals
- Try your routine/schedule for a week, modify if needed.
- Make your priorities known
- Everything isn't going to run perfectly all the time.
- Don't stress or overthink things.
- Keep it simple but specific. 

Hope these tips help you Prepare to Succeed in a new routine/schedule.

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