Hey friends. Hope you had a great weekend. This past weekend was a crazy busy weekend compared to a normal relaxed not much going on weekend and it all revolved around Girl Scouts. We fit in some family fun along the way also.
Friday morning we woke up with a few inches of snow, but no snow day. When I was taking Ella to school she asked if she could play in the snow, in the front yard when she got home. I couldn't say no. Brian had a short day planned at the office. We planned for him to come home and play outside in the snow with the kids. ( I am not a fan of being cold and playing in the snow, but will do it if my kids ask)
Ella came home from school, I put the kids in their snow suits and sent them out of the door, while I went in the garage to finish separating Girl Scout cookies. Austin was excited and ready to go. I love when I try to take a picture of him anymore he stops and goes "Cheese".
Ella and Brian build a snowman. Both kids got to put the buttons, eyes, nose, and hat on.
Ella insisted that the snowman couldn't be taller than her.
Austin put the carrot nose on the snowman, after he tried to eat it himself. It was plastic so not very tasty.
All 3 kids (including Brian) enjoyed playing outside in the snow and building a snowman.
After the snow fun we decided to try out a newer restaurant in the area for pizza. I had originally planned on making homemade pizza than realized we didn't have any pizza sauce. We luckily got a booth to sit at and the kids were pretty well behaved. I wasn't impressed with the pizza but Brian and the kids enjoyed it. Following dinner we drop off some Girl Scout cookie orders then it was home to get ready for bed for another busy day.
Saturday morning Ella showed me her loose tooth was barely holding on by a thread. For the past week I have kept asking her if I could pull it out and she wouldn't let me. Since it was so loose I made her pull it out before we went off to our Girl Scout cookie booth. I didn't want her loosing it when we were not home, in risk of loosing her tooth, possible a lot of blood, and scaring another girl who hasn't lost any teeth yet. Ella pulled it out herself and was so excited.
Saturday morning was our troops Girl Scout cookie booth. We had 8 girls split up the 3 hours we ran the booth (this was overlap time) They girls did really good. Ella had a temper tantrum after being yelled at for not listening, unfortunately she got sent home early. (Which I would have done the same thing to any other girl if they acted the way she did)
The rest of Saturday we just spent at home. Ella and Austin watched some of Chicken Little, even though Ella, played lots of UNO, Duplo blocks and cars.
Sunday morning Ella woke up and found that the tooth fairy left her $1 and an LOL.
Sunday was the first day of national Girl Scout Week with Sunday Service. To earn a patch, and to learn more about the Girl Scout promise that states "To serve God" each girl was encouraged to attend a church service. This was the first time EVER that Ella and I attended a church service. We went to St. Clarence, a local catholic church with a few other girls and moms in our troop. Ella did amazingly well during the service, learned a lot, and asked lots of questions.
After church we all went out to brunch. It was wonderful having adult conversations. The girls also got along so well.
Sunday afternoon Ella has an unplanned play date. My girlfriend, Heather was out this way having a girls day with her daughters and stopped by to pick up her Girl Scout cookies. Her girls decided they didn't want to leave. Instead they stayed and played for a good hour or so.
After Heather left, another girlfriend stopped by to pick up her cookies. Then Brian brought home Penn Station for dinner ( I love their new wraps, I'm sure it is not as healthy as I want it to be though) Before we knew it was already 730, time to start getting the kids ready for bed.
Overall it was a great weekend. Monday I asked my mom to come watch Austin for a few hours. I wanted to get grocery shopping done quickly, had a follow-up doctors visit for my kidney stone and UTI, and scheduled a much needed massage. Self care is very important with the workout program I am doing and I deserved it.
Hope you also a great weekend. I can't believe St. Patty's Day is already next weekend.
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