Friday while Ella was at school Austin and I got out of the house, I know shocking right. We had to run by the bank then stopped by the library. He did awesome. Austin picked out 4 books that we brought home and he played for a little while.
He had fun with the toys and playing with the other kids that were there too.
A trip to the library would never be complete without sitting on this cow and buggy thing. I told him we had to go home and eat lunch in about 5 minutes. When it was time to go he didn't give me a hard time at all. He wanted to carry his books and held my hand.
Some days these two are so adorable and loving that you want to bottle it up for the days they are fighting. Ella came home from school and was in a good mood. It was Friday and no homework!!! I turned on some Disney music on Pandora and they had their own little dance party, like always.
There may have even been some twirling even though I am always afraid someone is going to get hurt or something is going to get broken.
They even were slow dancing to Beauty and the Beast.
Austin has been very stingy at giving his sister any kisses so when it happens you need photo evidence.
After their dance party Brian brought home Pizza Fire for the kids, and Old Carolina BBQ fish fry platters for us. Unfortunately Old Carolina ran out of fish (how do you do this on Friday for lent when you blow everything up with your advertising, someone didn't prepare well) so we had mostly shrimp but it was still good. After dinner Ella went to her dad's for the weekend and Brian went to a surprise birthday party for his brother. Austin and I stayed home, wait for a few parents to drop off Girl Scout cookie money, and played with cars and watching some of the shows I have on the DVR.
Saturday started off slow. Brian was suppose to have a showing that got cancelled. I wasn't feeling well. I hadn't slept well the night before at all and was in a lot of pain. Thankfully the morning I had just planned on waiting on a few more Girl scout parents to drop off cookie money and catch up some more on my DVR.
Austin was full of piss and vinegar and you could tell he was up to no good. At one time I got up to check on him when he was playing in his room quietly and I found this. He had taken a couch cushion, which I knew about, and colored all over it with crayons. His crayons got taken away for the time being.
Later that day I did have a 3 hour cookie booth. I thankfully was feeling better. The girls were awesome and we sold out of cookies. Afterwards I came home and waited for Brian to get back from being a taxi driver for his brother to the airport. While I waited I laid on the heating pad and cook a quick nap. Then we headed to his parents house for dinner and to pick up Austin.
One of Brian's uncles bought Austin a new pirate ship puzzle. It said ages 3+ but also was 100 pieces. Austin likes puzzles but still doesn't have the patience for a 100 piece puzzle. Brian and his uncle started working on it on the ground.
They ended up moving it to the table where they could be more comfortable.
Eventually Austin decided he wanted to help his puzzle and put the last few pieces in.
After they finished the puzzle Austin got real wound up and it was time to go home. By this time I was getting very uncomfortable and having a Braxton Hicks contraction and was ready to go home and relax.
When we were home my little man stole all my water bottles that were around the house and ended up bringing them to me. He was being cute and helpful.
Sunday was a lot better day. I got sleep, wasn't in horrible pain, and didn't have any big plans. The rest of the Girl Scout parents were scheduled to drop off cookie money in the morning then it was nap time. Also before nap time my father came over to help Brian and Austin fix our dripping bathtub. It is fixed now I can take a bath again without my water getting cold quick from the drip.
Brian had a showing so Austin and I our daily nap. I love that he still needs naps, because right now this momma needs her naps too.
The rest of our evening was pretty low key. Brian treated us to Sonic for dinner since I had been craving the double Oreo ice cream cone they kept advertising. The food was just ok but the ice cream hit the spot.
Hope you had a great weekend.
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Any day that ends with ice cream is a good day! How will you clean that couch cushion?! Annster's Domain