~ Thursday September 26 ~
Our Thursday started off smoothly. The morning went as planned. I drove Ella to school then proceeded on to take Austin to his new therapy time on Thursday mornings. As soon as I pull in the parking lot of the therapy center they were calling. They were calling to let me know that they had been trying to reach me and we used the 30 sessions that my insurance approved and we had been denied more without reason. They had decided since I was already there that they would do a therapy session for Austin that day and do an evaluation to see his progress and submit it to my insurance again to see if we could get more sessions. I also called my insurance company and the lady I spoke with had no clue what I was talking about. As of right now it is still up in the air if we are getting approved for more sessions or not.
After school started off like any other normal day. Austin, Audrianna and I walked to get Ella from school, chili was already in the crock pot and the kids were having homemade mac and cheese. After dinner is when the drama started.
Ella got an attitude that she couldn't go ride her bike but we had plans. Then she was mad that our plans didn't consist of her being able to ride in my sisters car. We were meeting my sister and niece at a local sunflower field for pictures. She didn't understand why we couldn't meet at my parents then drive together. (It would have been 20 minutes out of the way to go to my parents then back track to the sunflower fields. I also know it wouldn't have been a quick transition)
At the sunflower fields I did get some cute photos. I love this photo of Ella being her. Cowgirl boots and all.
Austin being his cute self.
I love this picture of all three of my kids. Both smiling and looking at the camera.
This was a really cute photo of all 4 grandchildren. I have not edited it yet to remove my hand. The sun was in a weird spot making it hard to get the best photos, but we did what we could with what we had to work with. My mom so far has liked them and wants to hang a bunch in her living room.
Now comes the more drama. Austin got some idea that we were getting ice cream, which we were not and had no plans of doing so. When we were taking pictures the kids kept running around and into other families photos after we had asked them to stick by us. When we said we were leaving they all got attitudes and wanted to run off. When we got in the car Ella was said "ok lets go get ice cream now." Then got mouthy when I told her we were going home to take shower/baths and get ready for bed it was already 7pm.
Once at home I gave Audrianna her bath. Aubriella was suppose to be getting ready to take a shower. Instead she started arguing with Brian and then arguing with me. Without going into full detail she was being disrespectful, saying hurt things, had an extreme attitude, and an untrue, unrealistic answer for everything.. The night ended with lots of screaming, and tears (mostly from me). We finally got her calmed down. She was over tired from being at his dads the night before, she also was on youtube while with him, (she hasn't had youtube in over a week with us) she was stressed about a test she has at school every Friday, and didn't like that she didn't get time to really play after school since we had plans. The real problem never got solved and no real answers. but she calmed down and went to bed.
~ Friday September 27 ~
Friday morning was still a little stressed and tense. After the night before we were all still on edge. Ella still had some attitude which gave me an attitude as well. On our way to school though her attitude changed and she was in a good mood.
Austin was suppose to have a play date but one of my friends other kids was sick so we cancelled, which was ok with me I was not in a sociable mood and was very quiet with everyone the whole day.
Brian ended up coming home from work early and came up with the idea of surprising Ella with her bike to ride home from school. Austin rode his bike, Brian pushed Ella's bike, and I pushed Audrianna in the stroller to go get Ella from school. She was so excited to see all of us and that she got to ride her bike. (This would not have been something I could do myself without Brian there to take the extra bike to Ella). It was also a big indicator that Ella is getting to big for her bike and needs a big girl bike.
Pizza Friday. Instead of ordering out we made homemade pizza pockets. We used frozen bread dough and split it into 4 sections. I let the kids roll out their own dough and make their own pizza's. This was our first time making pizza pockets and it is a learning experience (need to pinch dough better). The kids loved doing it.
They turned out delicious.
Aubriella went to her dad's for the weekend. Brian worked an event for Lakewood then ended up training another auxiliary officer that night. Which left Audrianna, Austin and myself home for lots of cuddles and watching Lifetime movies.
~ Saturday September 28 ~
Saturday morning started off with folding laundry. Audrianna didn't want me leaving her sight so she got to help and became the sock pile. Most of the time she was happy and smiley until I grabbed the phone to take a photo and she got hungry.
We are still keeping up with our Saturday morning tradition of going to the local outdoor mall, breakfast, farmers market, walking around, and Trader Joes. We mixed things up and had Brueggars Bagels for breakfast which we hadn't had in forever. We decided to sit outside on the lawn. Austin wanted to be Mr. Independent and sit by himself at a little kids picnic table. (He really wasn't that far away from us, the picture makes it seem so much farther)
Trader Joes had the most adorable Pumpkin Trees. Who knew there was such a thing and they are REAL.
Once home it was feeding time for my princess again. Austin also wanted to play downstairs with his trains and didn't want to be left alone so we headed to the basement. I love that Audrianna has the habit of grabbing my shirt or bra strap while I am feeding her.
Austin loves his sister so much that he doesn't leave her alone. We have to continuously remind him we don't wake her when she is sleeping and that he is not allowed to kiss her head while she is eating. (she will pull away without unlatching from my boob and it hurts). He does love talking with her, giving her kisses, and playing with her. Here they were having the cutest conversation.
In the spur of the moment of looking for something I decided to clean, organize, and purge our attic stairs. They normally are a catch all, hid presents, oh I will find some place for this later spot. It is hidden by a door and has a lock at the top so the kids can't go up there. I found presents I bought for Ella and forgot about. Threw away some things that have been sitting there broken for years (like the bathroom towel rode for 4 years now, I don't think it is getting fixed until we redo our bathroom). Even though you don't see it, it feels better knowing its not a mess and I don't have to hid it from everyone.
Ella's birthday is this Wednesday. We decided to hit up the local mall to see if we could find her anything else for her birthday. We first had dinner at the mall. Then had to hit up the Disney Store.
Austin enjoyed holding up every boy Halloween costume they had and saying "Cheese". You can tell I like to take pictures of my kids. We asked him if he knew any of the characters and he knew some of them.
He also was holding up toys that he wants for Christmas to ask Santa to bring him. Brian took those photos.
Austin asked if he could ride the train that goes around the mall. Brian said yes if I would ride with him. He has been doing so good with potty training and was behaving so I agreed. He was so excited and waved at everyone.
I said we were shopping for Ella, which we did end up buying her one thing. I however found these tank tops on clearance at the Disney Store. I got both of them for less than $6.
~ Sunday September 29 ~
Sunday morning was started with pancakes and bacon. A great start. I made my weekly menu, and grocery list. I went shopping by myself to Half Priced books, Aldi's and Walmart. Audrianna was good the whole time I was gone (win for mom and dad). I got back home in time for Brian to cut the grass before the Cleveland Browns game.
We all headed downstairs to watch the game on the bigger TV and for Austin to play with his trains.
Brian and I also discussed all the details for Aubriella's birthday that is this upcoming weekend.
It felt like a fall day. Cooler temps, rainy and dreary. It called for a pumpkin candle and pumpkin shake. (now the next few days our temps are back in the 80s, one day being 88 degrees, give me 50s and 60s please)
Our evening was a little out of wack. Brian had a work meeting at 4 that lasted until 530. Then I had to run to Drug Mart for a key and to get hot dogs that I had forgotten to get earlier and were planned for dinner. We had chili, corn bread, and hot dogs. Audrianna had a lot of fun after dinner before getting ready for bed playing on her play mat sideways. With her hand she could hit the frog and if she lifted her feet she could hit the bird.
~ Monday September 30 ~
Back to my anxiety of worrying how Aubriella would be this morning when I picked her up. She was in a really good mood. She was talky about her weekend, excited for Girl Scouts tonight and going to party city for birthday party stuff. I tried to be as positive as possible. Before I even left the house this morning to pick her up I packed her lunch and got her backpack ready so there would be one less thing she had to do. Brian had showered before I left also so there wouldn't be a fight for the bathroom. Disney music was playing when we got home as well. I hope the rest of today and this week goes as smoothly as this morning.
*** I share this to show we are not all perfect. Every family has their struggles. If you are dealing with an attitude child, shared parenting, hard times, etc. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Yesterday a girlfriend shared this on instagram and it is so true.
~ Weekly Menu ~
Monday- Pasta with Paula Dean sauce and corn bread
Tuesday - Chicken Taco's
Wednesday - Ella Birthday Surprise
Thursday - Orange Chicken and Egg Rolls
Friday - Chicken Patties with potatoes
Linking up with Lindsay for Hello Monday and Good Random Fun link up
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