Happy 10th Birthday Ella

 Tomorrow I will have a 10 year old. Where has the time gone? Aubriella made me a mom and boy does she keep me on my toes. She will officially be a pre-teen going on an adult with attitude and spunk, and takes after me in so many ways. 

Ella is my animal lover. She isn't afraid to pick up and kiss a toad. 

is a goofball. 

loves to sing and play instruments 

her favorite person in the world is her little sister. 

Ella is also still obsessed with everything mermaids. 

Randoms about Ella:

  • Favorite color is purple
  • hates the color pink
  • favorite breakfast is freezer waffle with nutella
  • is so creative 
  • loves doing crafts and making things
  • hates making her bed
  • wants to live near the ocean
  • wants to go to Ohio State University
  • would live in the water if she could
  • loves helping in the kitchen
Happy Birthday Ella. 

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