Our Week

 Hey loves. How was your holiday weekend? We had a relaxing, productive, fun weekend. Let's take a look. Today I am recapping last week...

Monday May 23

We had a low key day around the house. Not to much excitement. 

Ella has soccer. Brian was working on our 1/2 bath and it was chilly outside. I took Ella to practice by myself and enjoyed sitting in my car reading in peace. From where I was parked I could see her practice. 

Lets not forgot the fun of fencing with fly swatters. I love their imagination. 

Tuesday May 24

Anna has school, and I headed to Panera to get some work done. 

After school we spent most of the afternoon outside playing. Ella's favorite thing if for someone else to chalk with her. 

Pulled pork tacos for dinner. (This one is Brian's as it has cheese and bbq sauce)

Anna asked to watch Pocahontas and used Ella as a pillow before she had to leave for her last day of basketball camp. They were doing a pizza party and review. 

I saw someone share on Instastories they were making smores in the air fryer and it sounded so good I had to try them myself. They were delicious and not burnt so my kids would eat them. 

Wednesday May 25

Let me introduce you to miss moody. Who wants her mother's attention 24/7. It is the end of the world if I have to get up to get a drink or go to the bathroom. We played Little People Princesses for a long time. We also figured out we have Grumpy from the 7 dwarfs little people. 

We baked sour dough discharge banana bread. Anna was an awesome little helper and the best part of baking is being able to lick the beater. 

Thursday May 26

Sunglasses day at school. Ella wore her prescription sunglasses and Austin wore his Star Wars glasses. 

Anna went to preschool and I did some shopping at Trader Joes. I tried this crackers and they are so good. 

After preschool it is back outside and sitting in her bucket of water. 

Dinner- gut health approved and so delicious, turkey burgers on jicama wraps with lettuce, tomatoes, and vegan cheese. Air fried sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts and strawberries. 

After dinner I took Anna to the express clinic. She had double pink eye. At first we thought it was allergies because her nose was also running and only in one eye. Then it spread to the other eye. (It is not fun putting eye drops in a 2 year old eyes 4x a day)

After her appointment and getting her medicine the kid got ice cream cones that Anna picked out while we were getting her meds. 

Friday May 27

Ella had her walk to school day. (they walk from a specific location to the school less than a mile away). We got there late but Ella's friend got there late too so it worked out. 

This was all the 3rd and 4th graders who walked. When we got to the school we found out that the walk to school was cancelled because there was a chance of rain. It ended up being a gorgeous morning. 

Ella with a few of her friends. As a mom it was a productive walk as I met a few of the girls parents and exchanged numbers for get togethers. 

After our walk to school and back to the car Anna went to spend the day with her Memaw and Papaw. 

I got my grocery order from Instacart and Aldi. 
I had so much planned to be productive and get things done. Besides finishing the last workout in the program I was doing I didn't get to much else done before the older two got home from school.

Around 430 it started raining and storming. Austin was suppose to have his first t-ball game at 6. We were told they would have updated by 5pm the game plan. While I was waiting I started tearing down the wallpaper on the stairs. No where is it planned to get the main part of the house painted anytime soon, we have like a 20 foot foyer that has a wallpaper boarder. When we do this project we will be hiring it out to a company with the proper tools and ladders. 

Austin's coaches ended up calling the game as being rained out before we were set to leave for the game. Since my mom already had Anna we decided to make it a dinner date with Austin. He insisted on bringing his umbrella to stay dry. 

Austin's choice for dinner was chips with cheese sauce, aka Mexican. This momma treated herself to a margarita.

Saturday May 28

A Saturday morning without any sports. It felt so weird. The school behind our house (that isn't open) had a lot of traffic so we decided to go check it out and play on the playground for a few minutes. Everything was still wet from the storms the day before. All the traffic was from a regional soccer conference. 

We decided to hit up a farmers market. When we got there Anna was screaming, when we left she was screaming again she didn't want to go home. She did calm down in between. 

The prices of the produce at this farmers market were better than the one we normally go to, but we didn't need anything. I need to switch my grocery shopping to after we go to the Farmer's market. 

Instead of going home, as Anna thought we were going, we decided to go to the metroparks and the nature center. It was a gorgeous day and still early before everywhere got crazy busy. 

Both kids had a lot of fun in the nature center. We are going to have to go back this summer and spend more time exploring. 

I never treat myself. Brian's mom invited me to go with her and her sister to go get a pedicure and manicure. I got gel nail polish on my hands for the first time. I may have to keep this up. 

More bucket fun. 

Brian was working on the kids basketball area (i will have to take a picture when it is all done).I decided to build the kids their new sandbox. Anna helped me. 

They love it already even without the sand in it and being in the backyard. 

Brian decided we were going grab dinner, have a picnic at the lake. It ended up being a little chilly so we didn't stay long. The playground we were also at was full of puddles and half of it broken. We decided to check out another playground. OMG it is now my favorite playground. There is only one entrance/exit that has a gate. The kids can run free and I don't have to worry about them running off. Their is two sections for smaller and older kids. Most of the time stuff Anna can do herself without me having to follow her everywhere in fear she is going to fall. 

Sunday May 29

We had a low key morning with doing odds and ends around the house. In the afternoon we had a cookout with family. I didn't take one picture. We had a great time, saw family and friends we haven't seen in a few years, the kids played in a little baby pool and had a blast and got along. 

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. I always get overwhelmed at a farmer's market because I want everything but then I bring it all home and have to race to use it up. As you said, best to go there as part of your regular grocery trips/orders so you can incorporate it all into your week. We have a few school related activities this week and I always enjoy talking to the other parents too!

    1. I get excited at the farmers market too, to try new things then half the time never end up using it and throwing it away.


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