Our Week with Easter

  Hey loves. It has been a crazy week so far with my kids being off for Spring break. Lets take a look back at last week with Easter. 

Monday April 3

Starting the new day, new month, and new week off on the right foot. Up at 430. Got my morning stack ready to drink and get ready to workout. 

While drinking my preworkout I read my daily devotional, wrote gratitude and question a day journal and read 10 minutes of personal development on my kindle. 

Downstairs to workout while the house is still quiet. Day 1 of the new 21 day super block is done. 

30 minutes almost 200 calories and done before I had to wake up Ella at 6am.

Last night we read a Moana book. Anna saw there were stickers in the book and remember them the next day and wanted them. I take off the outside of the stickers and leave the actual picture on the paper. She decided she would be cute wearing all the stickers. 

Anna went to school and I went to Trader Joes. I hadn't been in over a month and stocked up on a few thing we needed. I can't wait to try these chocolate mousse eggs. I also did our weekly grocery shopping at Aldi. 

After preschool Anna and I came home and had a quick lunch. Then we went over to our friends house for the girls to play. Anna didn't want to leave but we had to get home for Austin. We pulled down the street right before his school bus. 
After Austin came home and emptied his bookbag I took Anna and Austin to the neighborhood playground. It was the first gorgeous day in a while. There were about 20 kids all Anna and Austin's ages playing. It was nice to see the kids playing together and having some conversations with the parents. My kids didn't want to leave the playground but we had to pick up Ella from her cooking class. 

We switched up dinner because it was so nice and pulled out some Trader Joes turkey burgers and threw them on the grill. I cut up some potatoes and threw together a quick salad. 

After dinner Anna fell asleep on the couch. I cleaned the kitchen, made lunches, sweep and vacuumed the house. It felt wonderful to wrap up the night getting everything I wanted to done and not rushing to get things done and put Anna to bed. 

Tuesday April 4

After such a long day yesterday, I slept in. Got the two older one off to school and sat down to do a little business work, drink my preworkout and Anna became a sticker monster. 

Day 2 of the new 21 day fix workout program with the cutest little workout partner. 

Anna and I spent some time in the kitchen making some chocolate granola and dinner.

After dinner Ella had a two hours Girl Scouts meeting. While she was there I brought my laptop and sat and completed part of a printable product course. 

Wednesday April 5

Up early for my workout. 

At 6am it is already 70 degrees outside. This is very unusual for a for April in Ohio. You know when it is that hot randomly storms are coming. It was so gorgeous though to walk Ella to the bus stop with the sun starting to rise, birds chirping and wearing a tank top and shorts. 

After taking Anna to school, Brian and I took both vehicles to pick up a dining room table that Brian had won on an auction site. He got the top of the table in the truck and one base, We fit all 8 chairs, the two leaves, and the other base in the van. 

We got back home in time to unload the vehicles then I headed to pick up Anna from preschool. After preschool we grabbed a quick lunch, picked up some skirts from a Buy Nothing group on facebook, Target and Five Below for some last minute Easter gifts. Then I needed gas from Costco. Costco's gas was over 50 cents cheaper than most of the gas stations that jumped earlier that day. The lines were crazy, but I only waited 20 minutes. 

Thankful for food, Paw Patrol on the van tv, and Anna was in a pull up from preschool. 

On the way home it started raining. Later it started storming. 
My parents came over to watch Anna and Austin while Brian and I had a night out with a few of his co-workers. The storms ended up not being as bad as anticipated thankfully. Austin ended up taking a nap and falling asleep early, but said he was feeling fine. 

Thursday April 6

I took Ella to the bus stop and came home to see a huge brand had fallen off our of our trees the night before, even though it wasn't windy or storming when it fell. 

Austin overnight had a fever so we let him sleep in and kept him home from school. Most of the day he acted fine minus a runny nose and random fever. 

When Anna woke up she went into her toy box grabbed her shoes, crown, and wand and snuck downstairs. 

Started my Spring Cleaning in the kitchen. Wiping down all the appliances, counters, and cupboards. 

I started making 48 sourdough rolls for two different Easter dinners. 

Friday April 7

Good Friday no school and we all slept in some. Since Ella didn't have school I picked her up later from her dads. Instead of 6 30, I got her at 9.

Austin woke up on Friday complaining his throat hurt but no longer had a fever or any other symptoms. My motherly instinct said he had strep throat (Brian said it was just a cold). After I picked Ella up from her dads. Ella and Anna stayed home and I took Austin to the express clinic to find out he was positive for strep. 

We had to wait for his prescription at the grocery store. I saw these cute boxes of Disney cereal. The one box the cereal was shaped like Mickey Mouse but I couldn't see paying the price for one box. 

Austin requested donuts since they were right at the entrance of the grocery store. Anna had a chocolate donut, not that she ate any of it, she just made a mess. She is not a sweets girl most days. 

Some days you don't even ask what the two of them are doing. They were getting along and not fighting. 

The rolls turned out so good. 

Dropped off some things to my parents for Easter at their house. That always means the kids have to play with something for a few minutes. 

Then it was home for some much needed haircuts. 3 of the 5 of us got a haircut, even though I had only planned on two. Anna insisted she needed a haircut so I trimmed her up. 

Brian put caution tape around the fallen tree so no one would go near it. The tree wasn't completely on the ground it was wedged in. The deer can't read to stay away. 

Saturday April 8

Busy day ahead means getting my workout done early even though I didn't want to. 

We ate breakfast then got everyone ready to go to visit the Easter Bunny at the American Legion. Brian belonged years ago and just signed back up. The American Legion is where his parents met. 

It was a cute event. There were coloring books on every table. 

Their was also sticker crafts, bead bracelet making, and pin the tail on the bunny game. 

My kids went up together to take a picture. There may have been bribery of having an xbox taken away for a week with one child. They all smiled then got small baskets to go home with. Everyone loved Anna and Ella's matching dresses, they are from Old Navy last year. 

My mom hosted her Easter for her family, which totaled about 26 people if everyone showed up. This was the first get together we have had in years. It was nice seeing everyone, there was no fighting or arguing and the kids behaved. 

Sunday April 9
Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny came and hid eggs around the house. Also a sneak peak at our dining room remodel. Brian has done all the work himself. 

The baskets were also "hidden".

I got up before anyone else and decided to try and get a workout in. My mindset was something was better than nothing. I knew if I didn't get it done then I wouldn't have time later. It turned out I was able to get the whole 30 minutes done, the kids just had to wait 10 minutes before they could search for eggs. 

They found their Easter baskets. 

I love the random pose. 

They had so much fun with the Easter egg hunt. The bunny hid 30 and they only found 29 though. 

As a family of 5 we went to church. Ella wasn't very enthused and was bored. But she agreed to try at least one more time. 

Brian planned an outside egg hunt for our kids, the neighbors (who couldn't come), our two nieces, and Anna's two girlfriends. 

They were hidden all over the front and back yard filled with candy and some had money. 

While Brian was outside I was making a quick lunch inside, Then Anna had to go potty. I left the stove for a second to help her and burned my tortilla. Crazy that it turned out in a cross on Easter. 

Anna and her best friends ready for the egg hunt. 

We ended up having 6 kids and they got lots of eggs. 

Grandma showed up with their Easter baskets. 

We hosted Easter dinner for 12 people. It was a pretty relaxing evening. 

Anna got made about something and went in her room to throw her temper tantrum. Next thing we know she is napping, to much excitement. 

After all the family left, the neighbor came over with his two kids for our kids to play. 

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