Life Lately

 Hey loves. Happy Monday. How is life for you right now? It is the calm before the holidays for most. I thought we were going to have a low key November, boy was I wrong. There is so much going on in our lives it is crazy right now. Lets jump in with some updates. (in random order)

- Since day light savings Anna's sleep schedule is so messed up. Before day lights savings she wasn't napping. Since the time change she has been napping and it throws off the day and her nights even more. 

- Last week both kids had book fairs. I put money on the kids virtual accounts so they could buy a few books. Ella didn't see anything but decided she wanted to go back after school and look again. Turns out if she didn't use the money I put on her account we were then out the money that it wouldn't transfer to next year because it is a different school (even though it is in the same district). Austin decided to use his book money to buy a Minecraft painting thing that was $10, I was not very happy. He also said well then I didn't have enough for the book he wanted. It is a learning experience. 

- We had Anna's conferences for pre-k. She is struggling with letter and number recognition which we have been working on. They also said she wasn't holding her scissors properly but they are working on that with her too. The other thing they said she wasn't doing it throwing or catching a ball which I disagree with. Her personal teacher got switched two weeks before conferences and the new teacher wasn't sure why things were not done properly. I am happy with her new teacher, wasn't a fan of her old teacher.

- Austin had his IEP evaluation for speech and he is doing good with hitting his milestones. For reading we have a lot of work to do but they gave us fun activities to do at home to hopefully help. His conference with his teacher is tonight. We know he loves math.

- Ella auditioned for the school talent show this past weekend. She is keeping the song and all the details from me as a surprise. The talent show is in January. We should find out today if she made it or not. 

- Ella is also doing service club and a member of student council. She is doing flute and choir but is going to quit flute soon she isn't liking it and is behind because she switched instruments. 

- House projects may cause me to go insane. Especially right before the holidays when I want to decorate for Christmas, and clean and prep for hosting Thanksgiving. My house is in disaster to say the least. We are removing wallpaper, painting, removing carpet and putting down hardwood floors with a bunch of hiccups in the mix. I swear nothing has gone right. What you think it going to take 4 hours turns into 8. I am so ready for it to be done and to decorate for Christmas. It is a lot more stressful than I even anticipated. 

- We are hosting Thanksgiving at our house again this year with 22 plus people. The list keeps growing, I saw this as another person was added yesterday. 

- The biggest game of Ohio State Football is this weekend against Xichigan. Brian is talking about hosting a brunch before the game then going somewhere to watch the game. 

- Austin is excited that basketball is starting soon.

- I am an affiliate with a new company. They have over 500 products that are everyday essentials (think laundry soap, make-up, cleaning supplies, and more) that are shipped right to your door. Everything is made in the United States, and less toxic. Everything that I have bought with them in the last 3 months I have loved. I ordered on Wednesday and got my box on Friday. I can't wait to share more about them.

- I am so ready for the Christmas trees to be up and the twinkle of the lights. I am imagining curled up with a cozy blanket with the fire going reading a book with a book sitting next to the tree. 

- This past weekend has been rough on my kids. With the guys here laying the floor we have avoided the house. Austin is sensitive to the loud noises from the air compressor and nail gun plus the saw to cut the wood even though they are outside. Saturday I took them to a cute Holly Days kids event at a library, and then they went to my mother in laws for a few hours. On Sunday we went to church then spent a few hours at my parents house. 

At Holly Days they made Reindeer Food. Which was oatmeal, colored sugar, and bird seeds. There was also a note on the back about placing the food outside so the reindeer stop at your house. The note doesn't say to do it on Christmas eve so we have had some whining in our house. 

They played some reindeer games. 

I love this photo booth picture, minus they didn't show you what was added onto the picture and the string of lights over Austin's face. 

By Anna's request we waited in line for over an hour to see Elsa. Elsa was great with the kids, talking to them. Our conversation was all about reindeers, it was like she knew Anna was obsessed with deer. 

Thanks for catching up with me and my family. What is new with you?

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  1. Oh, that time change. It messes up both kids' sleeping schedules AND adults too. :) I'm only now fully adjusting I think. Maybe one day we'll end it altogether.

  2. What a fun and busy time! I wish daylight savings wasn't a thing seriously!

  3. That time change has messed up my sleep schedule as well; I've been waking up at 3 am and am so tired by dinnertime... Hopefully Anna will adjust soon. Good luck with Thanksgiving and all the home repairs.

  4. You've had so much going on lately! I hope Ella gets good news about the talent show.


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