Hey friends. We made it to Friday. It is going to be a long weekend. My kids have a 4 day weekend from school and on Monday I will have 6 kids. Fingers crossed no fighting and they get along. I also jinxed myself saying everyone was better. I have one kid with the stomach bug (that I am praying no one else gets), and another kid with an ear infection again, an allergic reaction to a medicine, and a uti. I am ready for spring and a new month with a fresh start and prayers that things start getting better and no more jinxing myself.
Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea. Weeks like with everyone sick, and feels like it is never going to end it can be hard to find the good in everything.
~ ONE ~
Even though this girl has been under the weather and fighting all the things, when she has the energy she is all about the games. Disney Matching game, Frozen Pop-up game, and Frozen Frantic Forest
~ TWO ~
Brian and Austin went to watch the boys Ohio State Basketball team down in Columbus. Ohio State won after 2 overtimes.
We have not seen the deer much this winter, compared to previous years. I saw them in the woods and grabbed them deer food.
~ FOUR ~
Brian and Anna playing games while listening/watching Toby Keith music on youtube. Toby Keith was one of the first concerts Brian and I saw together.
~ FIVE ~
I made a huge batch of Chili over the weekend and have been having it every day for lunch this week. Mixing up what I have it with, either a sandwich or just sourdough bread. (also don't you just love my new hot pink leopard 40oz tumbler from LME Creations)
~ SIX ~
He wants to come inside and live with me. We threw strawberry tops and apple cores outside close to the patio.
Fat Tuesday Paczki's for breakfast, with custard is my favorite.
Also made my creamy jambalaya for dinner even if I was the only one eating it. Also used the heart shaped pasta I bought for Valentine's Day.
Ella requested something festive for her hair on Valentine's Day. A heart with pink spray that we bought on clearance a few years ago.
In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Tuesday - Weekend Wrap Up
Wednesday- Lets Look The Little Things
Thursday- Wellness Box
This Weeks Recipes:
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