Current Intentions March 2024

 Hey friends. Happy March. This month is already going so much smoother than the last two. The weather has been gorgeous, we have had so many play dates, getting into healthy routines, and being intentional with my time. Lets jump in with my intentions for March, then looking back at February and 2024 goals. 

But first I usually linking up with Jennifer over at Overflowing with Thankfulness for currently. 


We have had gorgeous weather the last few days. Our house has become the kid (and adult) hangout. On Saturday there were 6 kids, Sunday 8 kids, Monday 8 kids and yesterday I had 3 kids during school hours. I love that our house has the space and the trampoline, basketball hoop, and long driveway for chalk. 

 looking forward to

Sunshine, beautiful days, mornings outside with coffee while waiting for the bus, evening eating on the porch, hanging out with friends, and warmer weather. 


I really need to start planning on cross country vacation. The plan is to fly to Seattle, stay with my sister in law for a few days then rent a large suv and drive home stopping at a few National Parks on the way back to Ohio. Have you gone to the National Parks in around Wyoming, we are thinking Badlands, Yellowstone, etc. Any tips or must see. 


Yesterday it was 72 degrees outside. I was outside reading while the kids played on the trampoline and dug for worms. I was wearing workout pants from Fabletics and a workout tank from The Ladies Edge and sports bra from Shefit. I had planned on working out but then ended up with 3 kids instead of 2 so my workout got put on hold. (one child I can't leave out of eye sight) I really thought of going inside and putting shorts on. Then the clouds rolled in with the rain and the temps dropped to 65. 


My got to lunch this week. I put everything in a mason jay, minus the dressing, then dump on a plate at lunch time. Cucumber, tomato, carrots, black beans, corn, chicken, hard boiled egg, and lettuce.

March Intentions:


  • date night with Brian
  • one on one time with Ella
  • girlfriend time


  • mindset morning (bible, bible recap, journal, question a day, journal, gratitude)
  • drink 80 oz a day
  • workout 4 days a week
  • get haircut
  • color hair
  • fill nails
  • read 10 books
  • go through photos each day on phone


  • plan family vacation 2024
  • family movie night
  • family game night
  • eat outside 2x

Home Life

  • organize games and get rid of any with missing pieces
  • purge 93 items
  • declutter challenge (Simplified challenge from January)
  • finish office remodel

Look Back at 2024 goals

  • Start budgeting and saving, save $1000 by end of the year In February I ...
    • cancelled MAX 
    • cancelled Instagram subscriptions
    • cancelled Patreon membership
    • put Billie razor account on hold until I need more razors
    • making bagels, English muffins, waffles at home 
  • Go on monthly date nights with Brian
    • hasn't happened this year
  • Learn to make homemade chicken and veggie broth that is good
    • didn't happen in February
  • Read Bible in one year with Bible Recap and using the study guide
    • doing good with reading the bible and listening to the recap, the study guide has been put on the back burner for the time being. 
  • Connect with more local moms
    • attended ladies night and hung out with 9 other ladies
  • Declutter one item each day (color calendar)
    • started March with doing today Simplified challenge Emily Ley posted in January and getting rid of at least 3 items a day
  • Replace 2 items each month with less toxic options
    • Exceed Tooth Polish (toothpaste) - January
    • Disinfectant that doesn't contain bleach - January
    • Sei Bella Honey and Rose Soothing Foam Cleanser- February
    • Affinia Shampoo & Conditioner- February
  • Workout at least 3x a week 
    • February was a rough month. Ended the last week of February working out all 4 days and starting March off strong with the Ladies Edge throwing in some cycle rides to mix it up
  • Eat less crap that makes me feel like crap, more protein, water, and veggies
    • yes
Look Back at February Intentions


  • date night with Brian- no
  • neighborhood girls night- yes
  • one on one time with Ella- no 
  • drinks with a girlfriend- yes
  • mother father son time- no I was home with a sick Anna but Brian and Austin still had one on one time


  • Bible recap and study guide everyday- yes and no, i am giving myself grace on the study guide but I have been doing the bible recap everyday
  • drink 80 oz of water- yes
  • workout 4 days a week- no 
  • get a haircut - no
  • color my hair - no
  • read/listen to 8 books - yes
  • order monthly chatbooks - no
  • go through photos eat day on phone - no i was doing good then forgot when I got sick and never got back into it. 


  • start planning vacation for summer of 2024 - no
  • family movie night - yes
  • family game night - yes
  • heart a day for kids - yes
  • heart a day for Brian - yes
  • attend Austin's basketball games - I went to 2 out of 4 with everyone being sick
  • attend Austin's music program - yes it was so cute
  • Anna speech evaluation - yes she got approved for services

Home Life

  • organize game shelf and get ride of games with missing pieces-  no
  • purge 29 items - no
  • go through clothes pile in my room donate/sell/purge- no
  • buy Brian a new pillow- yes
  • polish floors - yes

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

Feel free to follow along.
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  1. That's so nice that your house is the meeting place for so many friends. We went to Yellowstone and Grand Teton a few years ago. It's so beautiful. My biggest tip is don't underestimate the driving distances. You can click on the Travel tab at the top of my blog to find the posts. Have a great day!

  2. Your country cross trip sounds fun, adventurous and huge! Not sure I could plan or follow through with a trip that big. Hope you guys have a great time. And what fun that your house is the hangout spot! That is the best!

  3. We enjoyed the Badlands a lot; it was so pretty. I can't wait for those warm, sunny days!

  4. Okay, your salad looks delicious and your cross country trip sounds FUN!!!

  5. I'm belatedly catching up on my "Currently" reading. Your salad sounds delicious! And your cross country trip sounds like a lot of fun!!!


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