June Monthly Musing

 Hey friends. I am linking up today with  Patty and Holly for monthly musing. This months theme is

1- Share your summer plans?
We have no big plans this summer. We are staying local and just doing little things. We went on vacation over New Years and things didn't work out for us to take another big vacation. 

2- What are your summer traditions?
Every summer the kids and I come up with a fun summer bucket list. We try to spend as much time outside, go to Cedar Point a bunch, and enjoy time as a family. 

3- What is your favorite summer destination?
Disney World any time of the year. I do love going to the ocean too.

3- Do you prefer the ocean or the lake?
This year neither. Between the shark attacks, bad rip currents, and unsafe water due to pollution. 

4- Do you have any pool time planned?
We have two little pools in the backyard that the kids are playing in. Besides that we have no pool plans. 

5- Best travel or packing tips?
Plan and pack in advance. Brian likes to wait until the last minute to pack and always ends up forgetting something. 

6- Favorite summer movie?
I can't pick just one so I picked a few
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Mama Mia
Now and Then
The Parent Trap
Fools Gold
Failure to Launch
Because I Said So

7- Beverage that says summer to you?
Sun Tea
Sparkling Rose

8- What song says summer to you?

LFO Summer Girls released in 1999. I remember this song playing on repeat on my boombox while we were swimming in the pool in my parents back yard.

Nelly- Hot in Herre released in 2002, driving around with my then boyfriend in his lowered car with a system booming and shaking the windows.

9- What do you like on your burgers or hot dogs?

Burger- mushroom swiss or ketchup and pickles
Hot Dog- ketchup 

10- Charcoal or gas grill?

I don't grill, but Brian uses the gas grill because it is quicker.

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. Isn't that a guy thing though? LOL My husband waits until the night before or the morning of to pack and then wants me to go through it with him to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything. It drives me nuts because I'm usually the type of person that packs a whole week ahead of time and makes lists galore!

  2. I forgot to put The Parent Trap on my list, that's such a cute summer movie.

    1. yes it is one of my favorites to watch with my kids

  3. Parent Trap IS such a great summer movie- thanks for the reminder :) Sparkling rose too- yes!!

  4. Oh! I love Now & Then! I used to be obsessed with that movie as a kid.

  5. When I asked my daughter these questions she also said Now and Then. I'd completely forgotten about that one and may need to rewatch it one day soon. Enjoy your backyard fun. I'm with my 2 year old grandson this week and he is so happy just playing with the hose! Have a great weekend.

  6. A mushroom Swiss burger is the Best! Thanks for joining us!



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