Our Summer Schedule

 Hey friends. Summer is upon us. This summer I already know is going to be hectic, fly by the wind in our pants. I say all this as we are still going to try and have a schedule with routine for our family and lots of fun. 

If you ask my 8 year old, summer means staying up all night, sleeping in everyday, watching as much TV as he wants, and unlimited Roblox and Xbox. I guess that is the dream life of a 8 year old. But that is far from the reality of what our summer is going to look like. I know that with his dream schedule would also mean lots of fighting when we try to do something not related to electronics, overstimulation, and not a lot of family time. 

My dream summer would be my three kids playing nicely together, playing outside, not making horrible messes everywhere, not saying "I'm bored" a hundred times a day or "I have nothing to do", lots of fun swimming in our little pool, and not fighting. Add in two extra kids that I nanny two days a week to the fun of everyone getting along. Now I am being a big dreamer. 

Back to reality even though this summer will be crazy for us on different aspects such as Brian working two jobs, Ella going back and forth to her dads, Austin is in a summer reading camp, Ella and Anna have safety town (Ella is working it), two extra kids, no big vacation planned... We still want to make some great memories and make our days go as smooth as possible. That's where some routines, expectations, chores, Summer Bucket List, I'm bored jar (which I am sharing all about tomorrow). 

I have come up with an easy and realistic summer schedule. More so things that need to get done everyday. Or plans that we have each week. This is to help with the stress, messes, and my sanity. Kids also thrive on some structure, routine, and knowing what is expected of them.

I also came up with a chore chart for my kids to do each week. The hope is that this will continue on throughout the school year. Chores have never been something we have previously enforced and more will be added with age.

Along with our schedule, chores, and summer bucket list. We came up with plans for each week. 

  • Play Dates at our house or a play date outings
  • Trip to the library
  • Family movie night
  • Family game night
  • Do a fun craft
  • Bake or cook something new with the kids
  • Go somewhere fun (park, nature center, beach)

I know our schedule will change and need adjusted as time goes. Even though I thrive on routine we will base it off the day, week, and schedule. I am so excited for what this summer has in store for us. 

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1 comment

  1. Hi! I'm Carrie- I'm stopping by from Shay's link up. I saw on your bio you love Disney, we do too! We are going on our first Disney cruise later this summer... it has been on my bucket list forever. I had to chuckle over your 8 year old's dream schedule. I also have one of my kids that goes back and forth between us and her dad's house during the summer and that makes planning a little harder. I so need to get my teens (!!) doing more chores. They are both working their first jobs ever this summer, though, so that helps. :)



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