Our Week A Hot One

 Hey friends. I am sure you heard and may have even experienced last week was hot. Temps in Northern Ohio were in the upper 90s with the heat index into the 100s. Last week was also busy with schedules, which were pre-planned weeks in advance or I would have adjusted to the heat better. Some days I have more pictures then others, it probably meant I was driving a lot of the kids were in the pool all day and not much else going on. 

Sunday June 16- Father's Day

Brian had watered the flowers and noticed something had eaten some new plants we had just bought, even though they said they were deer resistant. He was sitting on the patio then Anna noticed the deer in our backyard. Brian grabbed one of her balls and threw it at them, missed them completely and went over the deer and woodpile then went into the creek. Anna cried she loved that ball (which she really didn't) so I climbed down into the creek to get her ball out. The creek is a good 5 feet down and only gets water when there is a lot of rain, it is connected to the overflow basin out front. 

We had a busy day planned. I cut the back grass the day before but Brian still wanted the front done. He went to our neighbors house to grab their riding law mower then ended up getting in an argument with a different neighbor because it was to early and she needed peace and quiet. They ended up coming to an agreement and he got the grass cut. 

Anna went to tell Brian that his breakfast was done. After a few minutes she hadn't come back inside and I find her cutting the grass with her dad. She did tell him that breakfast was done, but he wanted to get it finished. 

While waiting for Brian to get ready for church the kids and I were sitting outside and saw two baby groundhogs in our neighbors yard. One was eating their plans, which who probably ate our plants that Brian blamed on the deer. One of them was knocking on our neighbors patio door (they were not home) 

Each summer, one Sunday a month, our church has an outdoor joint service. You bring your own chairs, water and enjoy service in the fresh air. I also grabbed some coloring activities for my kids to stay entertained. 

After church both kids fell asleep on Brian, this never happens. 

For Father's Day Dinner, we hosted friends and family. The kids played in the pool and on the trampoline. The guys played corn hole as the ladies relaxed. Brian grilled Italian sausage, brats, and hot dogs. Brian got a new grill for Father's Day.

Monday June 17

Austin had summer reading camp first thing in the morning. 

We picked Austin up from camp around 11. We went to a local park to eat the packed lunches I made for the kids. It was already over 90 degrees and Austin is still limited on what he can do since his broken arm and nerve damage so we didn't play on the playground. The kids got to watch them comb and paint the baseball fields. 

Then it was time for Anna to have Safety Town. After this picture I got a hair band and put her hair up. (She came home so rosey and hot. Ella was with her and she drank two full bottles of water.)

While the girls were at Safety Town, Austin and I went to Aldi and did our grocery shopping for the week. A girlfriend had told me she from the Waterloo All Day Rose and Mint Mojito in the store so I grabbed some. It is non-alcoholic sparkling water. I love the All Day Rose, the Mojito is not my favorite. 

A few weeks ago Austin went with a friend to a artist for a day. He painted the Dinosaur then they glaze it and kiln it. We got it back. I love it. 

After dinner treat and checking items off our Summer Bucket List. Ice cream from one of our favorite local places. You can watch trains and airplanes nearby. This place got new owners and the prices doubled a little disappointed, but they had 6 non-diary ice cream flavors. I got non-dairy chocolate and it was nothing special.

We ate our ice cream then went and sat by the airport and watched plans for a little bit before it was home and off to bed. 

Tuesday June 18

Another hot day and safety town in the afternoon. I talked Anna into letting me put an Elsa braid in her hair. 

I took Austin to his summer reading camp and find these two playing on Roblox together. Ella on her phone and Anna on the tablet. (side note I do not encourage this at all now all Anna wants to do is play Teddy on roblox).

We picked Austin up from camp then went to the park again to eat their lunches before we dropped the girls off at Safety Town. 

Austin and I did some shopping at Target. He took some pictures of toys he is asking for, for his birthday. 

I was sitting and reading waiting for it to be time to get the girls from Safety town and I look our the window and see the mama deer and her twins. 

The adventures of wild life. A squirrel got into my bird feeder because Brian leaned a pallet against the fireplace and the squirrel used it as a ladder to climb up to the feeder. 

We were eating dinner outside and looked up and saw the babies just resting on the hill in our backyard. 

Wednesday June 19

Yes I take pictures of the deer like they are my kids. We had a somewhat relaxing morning at home. Austin didn't have school with it being Junetenth. 

Ella and Anna still had safety town. The girls hadn't even been at Safety Town 10 minutes and Ella is texting me that Anna is whining. They were partnered up so Anna was comfortable with her sister. I am sure if Anna was partnered with another girl she wouldn't have been whining. 

This squirrel is determined to try and get food again. 

He is also very weirdly colored. 

We left Ella babysit for the first time that was longer than an hour. Our neighbors invited us to a local winery for a members event that they got tickets too. It was a hot but delicious event with wine and appetizers then bought a sample to share. 

The kids were behaved for the most part. Austin did call me using his Amazon Alexa (it is programed to only call me and Brian) saying Ella was being mean to him but I handled it. We found this when we got home. 

Thursday June 20

Austin had summer reading camp in the morning. We had another packed lunch in the car. Then the girls went to Safety Town. 

It was graduation day. A little hectic since they moved where graduation was being held because it was over 90 degrees outside. But we got there. They told us everything they did, then each child got a certificate with the mayor and could get a picture with the dog. Anna wanted nothing to do with the dog. 

That afternoon Brian went into the garage to a drink out of the fridge. Standing at the door was our neighbors dog, He had escaped out of the neighbors backyard, walked across the street and into our garage. When Brian opened the door the dog then came in the house. 

Austin asked if he bought practice some baseball with Brian. He wasn't approved to play by his orthopedic surgeon yet but they still practice. Brian said he is actually doing better now than he was before he broke his arm. 

Friday June 21 

I took no pictures this day. Austin had summer reading camp. Brian was home doing yardwork. That afternoon we went shopping. First up was TJ Maxx, where Ella was looking for mocha syrup but we didn't find any. Brian did find two pairs of shorts and polos that he needed for his work trip. Afterwards we went to the local mall, which we hadn't been to in years. It has changed so much. We grabbed dinner and Brian got sunglasses and just wondered around.

The plan was to go play mini golf. Anna was complaining her belly hurt so we made a detour home so she could go to the bathroom. When we got home all the neighbor kids were outside so we ended up having a neighbor night instead. 

Saturday June 22

Another hot day calls for refills on the pools. Every few days we dump the pools and put fresh water in. The bigger pool we move to a different spot to not kill the grass. 

The swimming and heat makes this little girl tired. 

Later that evening we went to hang out with our neighbors. The girls came outside in heals, crowns, and all fancy. 

They played with the firework pop its.

And sparklers. 

I have 3 gin drinks that were delicious, but kicked my butt later. I had never been a fan of gin before, but this was orange gin and it went down was to smooth. I have learned my lesson. Thankfully we only had to walk home. 

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