What Brought Me Joy in June

 Hey friends. It has been a crazy month, last few months have been crazy busy. This week I am solo parenting and it is only day two and still stressful as can be when everyone is dependent on me and I have had to call in my tribe for help. Like always even with all the craziness I want to remember what brought me joy. 


We started off the month with a 5k for TJ Carrie Heart Foundation. TJ is a friend/client of Brian. As a family we walked the 1 mile because of Austin's broken arm and he is not allowed to run. Next year our goal is to run the 5k. 

Our monthly date night with our church. We went to the Cleveland Guardians game. Kids were also invited so we took Austin with us. 

Even though Austin is benched for the season because of his arm and nerve damage he still attends most games. He asked me to go and watch so we all went and watched. (If he was playing I would be at every game)

Ella had her last day of 6th grade,

Austin had his last day of 2nd grade. 

Austin got 3 neon tetra fish. Anna got an aquatic African dwarf frog. 

Celebrated fathers day. 

Got ice cream as a family.

Ella and Anna playing a game together. 

Watching the trains 

Games and Fun

Ella showed Anna how to play Teddy on Roblox and she loves it. 

We got these cardboard building blocks from one of Brian's clients. The kids have loved it building forts and little houses. Anna is sleeping under the blanket in her fort. 

Lots of fun with water balloons and friends. 

Fun day at Cedar Point

We had so much fun at Cedar Point. Ella took a friend with her to ride the bigger rides, and we meet our neighbors so Anna and Austin had friends to ride with too. 

Austin is getting movement back in his fingers, and has been working on some baseball. We go to the doctor on Friday for a follow up and hopefully he will get approval to play baseball again.

Anna went to safety town. Ella also volunteered and was her helper the whole week. 


Summer started off with a sick kid. So the house got disinfected. From the wellness box

Summer hair with summer knots. I swear they are the worst. This leave in detangling spray from the wellness box has made brushing the girls hair so much easier, quicker, and less tears. 


What brought you Joy this month?

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