Friday Favorites 4th of July

 Hey friends. Happy Friday. It has been a busy week. We celebrated my birthday last Saturday, Brian also came home from his work trip in California sick and was home most of the week, lots of running around, family in town from Seattle, new routines etc. I just could not seem to catch a break or catch up on anything. But we still had a good week. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

I started off my Saturday grabbing my free drink from Starbucks. I got a trenta cold brew, which is the largest size you can get. I got Ella for my birthday even though it was the start of her dads vacation (I should always get her for my birthday) and she was in a good mood. We celebrated my birthday with our neighbors who picked Brian up from the airport, took him to the grocery store to buy steaks for dinner. They had also got me wine and chocolate cake. I don't know how much was planned by Brian and Marc or how much Marc and Katie did on their own but I am grateful either way. 

~ TWO ~

Sunday we had a cookout at my mother in laws with family that was in from Kentucky and Seattle. We hadn't seen Brian's nephews family in over 6 years and never met his great nephew who is 3 and a half. I have to say our 4 kids got along so well. (My other niece wouldn't leave her moms side) 


My last year in my 30s working on making myself a priority again, and being my healthiest and happiest. I started this new program that is out of my comfort zone but perfect for what I am currently looking for. 20 minute workout with nonstop fusion of power yoga, primal movement, and bodyweight strength training that requires no equipment. I have done 4 days of prep week and I am enjoying it so far. It is harder and a struggle than I anticipated but I am pushing myself. 

~ FOUR ~

Austin finally got the clear from the doctor to remove his restrictions so he can play baseball (and ride his bike, scooter, play at the playground, etc.) He had his first and last game of the season this past week. His first time up to bat his first swing he hit the ball and made it to first base. He ended that inning running the bases and getting a point. He went up to bat two more times and also hit the ball both times. So proud of him from how far he has come. 
Austin has 95% movement back in his fingers but still doesn't have feeling in his pointer finger making it hard to throw and write still. 

~ FIVE ~

One of our plants flowered. The next day the deer ate it. I have no idea what these plants are but they are really pretty until the deer eat them. 

~ SIX ~

Mama deer just 20 feet maybe from Brian and I sitting on the patio. 


Summer calls for sleepovers aka sleeping in siblings rooms. Earlier this week Austin sleep in Anna's room. They both ended up sleeping until almost 8am. This never happens. 


This week I have gotten into a nice morning routine most days. Waking up before anyone else, sitting outside with my devotions etc. Drinking my pre-workout and pressing play before the day gets started because I know otherwise I won't get it done. 

~ NINE ~

While sitting outside I was being watched. I heard something in the woods and turned around and didn't see anything. A few minutes later I felt eyes on me. The twin deer were playing at the edge of the woods and mama deer was further in. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. Yay for Austin being cleared to go back to all his regular activities! I bet he was thrilled. It sounds like you had a lovely birthday and a great little mini family reunion.

  2. Happy belated birthday! What a treat from Starbucks!
    It sounds like you had some lovely family time and good luck with the workouts.
    Hooray that Austin got the all clear from the doctor! I hope his finger is back to normal soon.


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