Saving Money with Kitchen Inventory System and Meal Planning

Hey loves. Every week I do these few simple steps that have helped save our family hundreds of dollars a year on our grocery budget. This is without slaving away all day in the kitchen, cutting coupons and running to 5 different stores every week, or eating crazy amounts of leftovers. 

Grocery prices are through the roof, and any little bit of saving money helps. Along with that is also not wasting food. As a budget conscious family of 5, I have been determined to help cut our grocery bill, without eliminating healthy foods and some convenience, and have succeeded. I am sharing with you all my tips to help your family. 


  • Know what you have on hand. Keeping a running inventory of all the foods you have on hand helps you plan and save. You don't need 5 cans of diced tomatoes.
  • Plan your menu based on what you already have. Use what is going to expire or go bad first
  • See what is on sale. Are you thinking you want shredded chicken sandwiches this week, but 
  • Make a list and stick to it. We all know to not go the grocery store hungry. Make a list of what you need and stick to it. Stop the impulse buys. 
  • Reduce your trips to the store. Going once a week or every other week, the less you shop the less likely you are for impulse buys. Same goes for how many stores you shop at.
  • Buy versatile items.  Buy items that can be used for more than one recipe. Such as using Greek Yogurt instead of sour cream or as a base for ranch dip.
  • Freeze Extras. If you know you are not going to eat it all before it goes to waste, freeze leftovers to eat at a later time. 
When I sit down to make my dinner menu for the week I grab my Kitchen Inventory bundle. At the beginning of the year (you can do this at any time) I did a complete updated inventory of what we have in our freezers, fridge and pantry. I wrote down everything. Now when I know what I have on hand to plan our meals, and save us money. 

Right now for the month of January, I have challenged myself to purge our freezer and pantry. Coming up with meals using what we already have on hand. No buying meat or pantry Staples to make a meal that sounds good. Using the frozen veggies and fruit that have been in the freezer. 

The Kitchen Inventory system helps save me time by not having to go and check what we have on hand. I update the inventory as we use an item. I also add items to our grocery list as we use them up or they are getting low that are staples in our house, such as ranch dressing.  

If you need more help with planning your menu and saving money. I have shared Lets Meal Plan using the Kitchen Inventory System over on my YouTube channel. You can get the Kitchen Inventory System that I use over in my Etsy shop. 

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