Meal Planning Monday Week 183

 Hey loves. Hope you had a great weekend. Lets talk all about meal planning and what I am doing differently in February. 

Some new goals for me to try in February based on our meals. Last month I made egg bites and froze them for breakfast and that worked out great. I am going to switch it up and plan our breakfast, lunches, dinners, and some snacks. What does this mean for me, a little more time meal planning and in the kitchen. I am ok with that because I am making healthier choices, and finally all the snacks that I have been eating are out of the house and we are not buying anymore. I am not saying I am meal prepping every meal, I am planning out what I am going to eat to take the guess work out of standing there searching the fridge or pantry then end up grabbing something not so healthy, or the kids snacks. 

Last  month I also did a buy no bread challenge. I will say I bought no bread, but Brian on the other hand didn't listen. He bought hamburger buns and tortillas instead of asking me to attempt to make them. I am going to continue with the buy no bread challenge for February also. 

For this week here is what I plan on prepping:

  • Monster Energy Bites for the kids
  • Protein Bites for me
  • Teriyaki Chicken stir fry bowls with quinoa for lunches
  • Egg bites
  • 2 days overnight oats
  • Quinoa with Winter Veggies 
Dinner Menu for the week:

Monday: Leftover Soup
Tuesday: Shrimp Tacos
Wednesday: Salmon with roasted winter veggies
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Homemade Pizza
Saturday: Fundraiser and Chicken Broccoli Cheddar Soup
Sunday: Super Bowl

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