Friday Favorites

 Hey loves. Happy first Friday of 2023. I wish I could say that our new year has been off to a great start but that would be a lie. As I type this on Thursday afternoon 6 out of 7 siblings are home and spending their days here at the hospice with Brian's dad. It has been physically, mentally, and emotionally draining on all of us, including my kids are we are sharing with them what is going on with their grandpa and went took them up there to see him sleep. 

With that I am still trying to be positive and encouraging. The past few weeks I have slacked on taking many pictures  but was able to find a few.

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

Austin has got some wild curly hair. He was way overdue for a haircut. I am also loving him in glasses. He has been adjusting to wearing them without any issues. Before he went to back to school I did give him a little trim. We are going to try it a little longer for winter. 

~ TWO ~

Brian took Ella and Austin to the zoo. He said they were both so well behaved and got along. I am thankful they got out of the house and got to do a little something over Christmas break while I was at home taking care of a sick Anna. 


Anna and Austin are pure siblings one minute they are fighting they next they are loving. Usually it is on Anna's terms when she is moody and doesn't want her brother. It is the same when Anna wants Ella too. They spent a lot of Christmas break playing together.

~ FOUR ~

Who would have thought we would be having a fire in our driveway on Friday December 30 when the Friday before the wind chill was -42. It was nice to be able to see family at a distance as some family was sick.

~ FIVE ~

The sun is shining and Anna wanted to be outside. She said she wanted to chalk. We go outside, I grab the chalk she says "it's to bring I need glasses". She is her father's daughter with the sunglasses. She ended up not even touching the chalk but we sat outside with her being as cute and can be for about 10 minutes. 

~ SIX ~

I have started off the year strong getting back into a good routine for me. Limiting my sugar, drinking more water, and moving my body everyday. I have really needed this for my sanity the last week too. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

Monday we are back with Not Just A Mom link up. We would love for you to join us.

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. Prayers go out to your family during this time.

  2. Praying for your family and sending big hugs xxx


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