Kids Birthday Party Recap

 Hey loves. Happy Monday. How was your weekend? We have a wonderful weekend celebrating Austin and Anna's birthdays. We hosted a small party with mostly family and a few friends. 

Audrianna turned 4 earlier in the week. 

Austin turned 8 the day of the party. 

We started off their birthday party day by driving out to their favorite donut shop. Spudnuts in Berea Ohio. On the way there we stopped and watched an airplane fly right over our car as it was landing, and drove past where we usually see the trains but there was no trains.

We got donuts and headed to Coe Lake to eat them and for the kids to play on the playground. When we pulled in the parking lot Anna was excited to see so many police cars, as the police station is in the same parking lot. Austin was so excited, he literally screamed to play on the playground. On our way home we stopped and picked up out CSA produce and looked for more trains with no luck. 

At home Brian and Ella made a special parking spot for my dad. He had his second knee surgery the previous Monday. The other side of the driveway they wrote $5 parking. Someone didn't understand the joke and got made about it. It worked out that Brian's Aunt parked there because she was hiding the kids big gifts in the back of the van. She also paid Ella for the parking spot. 

Anna requested an Elsa birthday cake. My mom delivered a beautiful Elsa dress cake. You use the glass Pampered Chef mixing bowl to back the dress in then stick a doll it in. The doll is suppose to be Barbie size but I could the wrong size so Elsa slowly sunk down. 

For Austin's cake and the main cake for everyone. We bought a chocolate cake from Costco. Brian had birthday candles added on teh bottle. I scrapped them off and topped with a dump truck and a tractor with dirt aka crushed oreos. Austin requested a John Deere birthday cake. 

Most of the gifts. You would think it was Christmas but it was two kids birthdays. 

I love they were covering each others eyes waiting for their big gifts. 

They both got new bikes. They are both a little two small for the bikes but they will be perfect for next year. Somehow I didn't get a picture of Anna's pick. It is a Frozen bike with a little carrier on the back for a doll. 

For food we went very simple. We went to GFS and got pulled pork and mac and cheese. There were toppings, a few different types of chips, and watermelon. 

One of these years the kids won't want shared birthdays and will want to invite more friends. This year Anna had her two friends who are sisters and who I use to watch. Austin had one friend who lives across the street. It worked out with sharing and not huge messes. Especially because we have the worst of luck with these two birthdays and crappy weather. We were in severe thunderstorm warnings and downpouring of rain. 

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  1. Happy Birthday to your cherubs! Looks like an amazing celebration :)

  2. What a great celebration! Happy birthdays. Visiting from Hello Monday.

  3. Both those cakes are so cute! It sounds like they had a wonderful party.

  4. Visiting from Hello Monday! What a fun party and what a gorgeous cake!!!! That sign is pretty cute and creative! I'm so glad they had a wonderful party!!! Hope you have a fantastic week!


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