Friday Favorites- First Week of October

 Hey loves. Happy Friday and Hello October. This week in Northern Ohio has not felt like fall at all. Temps have been in the upper 70s and 80s. It has been gorgeous and we got a lot of yard work and out side lose ends finished up (not all the new flower beds though). This whole month is filled with so many activities, I am excited for them all but already looking forward to relaxing in November. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea. Here are a few of my favorites from this past week

~ ONE ~

Last weekend we celebrated Ella burning 12. She had 4 days of celebrating. On Friday night she had a sleepover with some friends. Saturday afternoon we had a family party. Sunday we had her birthday dinner of crab legs and on Monday was her actual birthday. You can read about her Taylor Swift birthday party

~ TWO ~

Anna on the right and Gigi on left. They are two years apart but the best of friends. And yes they are both in the house wearing bike helmets and coloring. They are all about safety, or maybe it is just because neither of them can take the helmet off themselves. 


Anna started soccer. She was full of energy and sass before her practice. I couldn't go because it was the morning of Ella's sleepover and I couldn't leave a bunch of preteens at home alone. Brian is also one of the coaches so he had to be there. 

Now it didn't go to well. I am happy Brian did take a picture like I requested. Anna spent half the practice on laying down, she was hungry, tired, and wanted mommy. Hopefully this weekend goes better. 

~ FOUR ~

We finally got our patio done. It is stamped concrete. This is a top view from a bedroom window. Steps and landscaping has been started. 

I have already got some work done outside. 

And enjoyed a beautiful evening with a full moon, saw the space station fly over, a glass of wine, and wonderful company. 

~ FIVE ~

Austin's school had a fun run, literally the kids ran in a circle for 30 minutes. I was able to volunteer and help out. I was on the outside of the circle cheering them on and helped kids that fell not get trampled. I love being able to help my kids at school. 

~ SIX ~

We got some gorgeous mums. While I was sitting drinking my coffee I saw a little friend just buzzing from flower to flower. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Monday- Ella is 12

This Weeks Recipes:

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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1 comment

  1. We had unseasonably warm weather this week too and I was LOVING it! Good thing we spent more time outside soaking it in too as it looks like our temperatures will plumet once the weekend comes. Enjoy your new patio!


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