Friday Favorites Solo Parenting

 Hey friends. We made it to Friday. It has been an adventure with solo parenting most of the week, Austin adjusting to being in a cast, and every day mom life. We have had a wonderful week. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

Ella's school had music ala mode. It is an all day music event from 10 am to 10 pm for grades 5-12 performing in choir, band and orchestra. This year Ella played the flute in band and sang in choir. She requested I straightened her hair and she doesn't look 12 anymore. This is her last year in band, next year will just be choir. 

~ TWO ~

Another week of soccer. Anna asks everyday how many more days until she has soccer. 


Austin is looking dapper in his hat. He also got his permanent cast put on. He picked light blue so all his friends could sign. 

Austin also got the neighborhood kids and dads to sign his cast. 

~ FOUR ~

We spent Cinco De Mayo with our neighbors. The food was delicious, the kids were behaved and so good with Austin not being able to run around. 

~ FIVE ~

Brian is the normally the one to read bedtime stories, especially with Austin. Solo parenting means I get to do it all. This was one night of bedtime stories. Anna and Austin each got to pick a book. We got the Cinderella with Dogs book from the Dolly Parton imagination library where Anna gets a free book every month until she is 5 (which will be in July). It was such a cute book. There was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow is always a favorite. The whole series we love. 

~ SIX ~

Austin attempting to get his own breakfast, I was to slow for him. He did good with the cereal and grabbed the milk the ended up being expired, so I got him a full gallon and poured it. 


A rockstar first thing in the morning wearing glasses, jewelry and a crown.


Right now it is the little things. Austin playing with his toys even though he can't use his right hand. (he has nerve damage and can't move his fingers)

~ NINE ~

Since I drive Austin to school at 830 and these two don't have to be to school until 9 we had 20 minutes to waste. It was a gorgeous morning so we stopped at the playground. They had two rules, dont get wet or dirty, and when I say it is time to go no arguing. They listened and had a lot of fun. 

I even got them to hold hands in the parking lot. This is the struggle with the one that isn't mine. 

~ TEN ~

Somedays you just need a little treat. It was also triple point day at Starbucks and I had a gift card I tried the new Summer Skies refresher. It was good and had raspberry flavored pearls in the bottom. 


I have two new youtube videos up this week. First one is this weeks Grocery Haul. 

To go along with my blog post of my monthly Intentions I also recorded a video going into detail on my yearly goals and monthly intentions. 
If you have not already please subscribe

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Monday- Amazon Lately April 2024
Tuesday - Weekend Wrap Up

Come link up on Monday for Share Our Lives. We are sharing 5 Favorite and Least Favorite Food.

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

Feel free to follow along.
You can find me on BloglovinFacebook, and Instagram



  1. Looks like a good and busy mom week! I will look at your videos. Hope you have a happy Mother's Day weekend!

  2. Oh wow! Ella is looking so grown up. It sounds like a full on day at the music event. I hope Austin is getting on OK with his cast, bless him.

  3. I'm glad your son is adapting to the cast. I'm sure it's tough not to be able to do all the things he normally would do. Your daughter is lovely and the music event sounds like fun. Happy Mother's Day!


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