Feeling like Summer

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 Hey friends. What is the weather like where you are at? This week in Northern Ohio our temps are in the upper 90s. It is really feeling like summer. The air conditioning is on, the pools are up in the backyard, you run from the car to the store. 

We are on our second full week of Summer. It is a busy week.  Austin is in reading camp 4 days this week in the mornings (no school on Wednesday). Ella and Anna have safety town 4 days this week in the afternoon (no school on Friday). It will be a busy week driving back and forth plus the heat. 

We also had a busy weekend with sports, shopping, and two Father's Day cookouts. Yesterday I just needed a rest day as much as possible. (plus all the driving and getting the house back in order)

Let's do a quick summer recap of summer....

This soft sided pool has been perfect for just Anna. She can sit there and plan, I have it close to the house so I am not stressing about her being to far away from the patio and she just has so much fun with it. Every morning she goes and checks how warm the water is. (we change the water every couple of days)

My kids requested to join the summer reading program at the local library. We got all signed up, picked out some fun books to read and played for a little. 

Anna and Austin got new pets for their little fish tanks. (Ella gave Anna her fish tank and didn't want anything). Anna got an African aquatic dwarf from that I have to feed frozen blood worms to everyday. Austin picked out 3 neon tetras. 

Just a random weekend with cotton candy. 

Oh to be a kid again and sleep on the floor without waking up feeling like you got hit by a truck. My kids have been taking turns on sleeping in each other rooms or just building a fort with these cardboard bricks that Brian got from a client that was moving and no longer needed. 

All the neighborhood kids playing with water balloons 

Shh they are all three playing together and getting along. I have no idea what they were doing. This doesn't happen very often. 

Some fun coloring pages and cut out crafts to keep the girls entertained when I am watching my girlfriends daughters. 

Digg in the dirt on the hill

We have been seeing a lot of the deer recently. Three babies, two are twins based on what mother is seen with them. This one scared the crap out of me. I was 6 feet away on the patio turn around and she is over there eating some scraps. (We have moved our scrap pile)

No they are not broken, they just like playing with the random things they find at Memaw's house. 

This cute baby laid in the woods next to our house one day. She made friends with a squirrel. They were chasing each other around. 

Daddy's little helper. They went an picked a bunch of lettuce from our garden at our neighbors house. 

Even Austin will get in the pool to cool off some. 

What is better than ice cream on the patio? 

I brought this out of Austin's room a few nights ago. He got this race trackrace track a few years ago for Christmas and has played with it a few times in the house. Since it has been outside it has gotten played with everyday. We have a big include from the patio to the yard and the kids love doing different rams with it. One day they even had it doing a loop that that cars went through. 

I have been enjoying quiet, peaceful mornings sitting outside enjoying my coffee, listening to the birds and getting some reading done. 

The Saturday before Father's Day we went to my parents house for dinner. We grilled chicken, had corn on the cob, and a good time. My kids behaved and it was nice to spend time with my parents. I am guilty of my dad always getting rain-checked on Father's Day so this year I did it the day before. 

I grew up a street over from the train tracks. The excitement of all my kids (yes even the 12 year old) watching the train go by. you can see the top of the trains between houses. 

Anna was suppose to be going outside to tell Brian that his Father's Day breakfast was done. A few minutes later she hadn't come back inside. I go look and she is cutting the grass with Brian instead. Brian did say that Anna did tell him that breakfast was done, he just wanted to get it done before the heat.

In the backyard we saw a mommy and two baby ground hogs. I watched this little one go up the steps and start knocking on our neighbors back door. 

Once a month in the summer our church does an outdoor service. They combine the 9am and 11 am serviced into one service at 10am. You bring your own chairs and we have church outside. I brought some activities to keep the kids entertained (which I do when we are inside as well) 

The best Father's Day gift is cuddling with both your kids who fall asleep on you.

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1 comment

  1. It looks like a good start to the summer. I can't believe it is so hot up north right now...I think it is hotter than Texas!!


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