Hello Monday

 Hey loves. Happy Monday. How was your weekend? We had a relaxing weekend and prepping for the extreme cold weather we are getting for the next couple of days. I am talking feels like temps could be -24. We are waiting to see if the kids have off school. Either way we are prepared with gas in the car and air in the tires (my tire light has been on for the last week), we grabbed some extra food, restocked the firewood, got gas for the generator and have space heaters ready to go. I have no idea how people who deal with these colder temps all the time do it. Any tips?

I am linking up with Sarah and Holly for Hello Monday. 


A busy day and not many photos. As soon as my kids left for school I got myself ready to go grocery shopping. I was suppose to go the day before but changed my mind with the snow. I got it done and was home at 10. A little later my dad stopped by to drop off sausage patties that he had bought for Anna because our Aldi has been out for the past few weeks. 

Brian requested English muffins. I had planned on making bagels but switched it up instead. This was the first time that I made English muffins and they actually had holes and were not dense. I have no idea what I did differently. 

At noon I had my weekly marketing zoom meeting for the realty company I am working with. I got done at 130 then ran out the door to get to Anna's school volunteering. 

It was farm day. The kids were encouraged to dress like they were going to the farm. Anna and I wore matching red flannel. The station I ran was shearing a sheep. There were ship on laminated paper with shaving cream on it.  They used a laminated razor to shear the sheep. The kids had a lot of fun. Other stations were milking a cow, collecting eggs, making butter, and a couple educational stations too. 

After school I watched one of our neighborhood boys. He played Xbox with Austin. Anna was jealous so Ella and I played her new monopoly game. We ended up with all our neighbor friends (2 families and 5 extra kids) over for the evening. We had pizza, and good laughs. 


If you need me Saturday mornings you will find me watching Austin's basketball game. Ella was home to watch Anna, but they ended up at our neighbors house having a Taylor Swift movie and bracelet party. 

After basketball Brian, Austin and I did a little shopping for food for the Ohio State game on Monday. 

Most of the afternoon was rainy snowy on and off. I got a chill and ended up taking a nap. Ella went to a friend's house for a sleepover. 

I made dinner with Austin asking 5 million questions. Nothing to do with dinner but just hanging out questions. I have no idea where this picture came from, my guess is Anna got a hold of my phone. 

Sausage tortellini soup was for dinner. I also baked a sandwich bread, but it wasn't ready for dinner so the kids just had quesadillas with no complaints. I joke that quesadillas are there own food group in Anna's work, now only if I could slip in some protein and not just cheese. I have tried and she noticed. 


Just another Sunday morning Anna being Anna at church and dancing. 

I left after church while the kids were in Sunday school to go pick up Ella from her sleepover. We ran to Sam's Club for gas and a couple of things, stopped by my parents then headed home. 

This was at noon, it wasn't suppose to start snowing until after 1 and it just kept going all day. By bedtime we had about 2 inches. 

The rest of the day was just a relax at home day. I watched Wish on Disney with Anna, it is a cute movie. After dinner Brian made a fire and I got some work done for the week in anticipation of being distracted with my kids being home. 

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  1. -24!!! That's just too cold! We have single digit temps and windchills forecasted, but -24! Whoa! I am glad you guys are prepared for the weather and it looks like a good weekend!

  2. Wow- so cold but feeling your pain here too! Good luck with the kiddos home ;)


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