Hello Monday on a Tuesday

 Hey loves. How was your weekend and start of February? I hate to be the Debbie downer. Ours is not going well. Last week my youngest got the stomach bug and has slowly been passing it around to everyone in the house. So far I had it the worst and the longest. She is back to normal and back to school but #2 is home yesterday and today. Unfortunately it is one of those things you know is going to hit eventually and you try to prepare but it doesn't always work out well. We have had to cancel plans on Sunday, work meetings on Monday, and I was suppose to volunteer at the school today that I also cancelled to be safe and to take care of my sicky at home. 

I am linking up with Sarah and Holly for Hello Monday. Let's see what we did this weekend. 


Thursday night Brian and Austin went to the Cleveland Cavs game. Our local rec basketball that Austin plays on is sponsored by the Cavs and each year he gets two free tickets to select games. (they are always on school nights which sucks). They also went with our neighbor and his son. They ended up leaving during the third quarter with the Cavs winning by a lot. 


The deer were in the backyard standing by the feeder just staring up at the house. I went and grabbed a bucket of feed and fed them, which I hadn't done in a while. 

After the kids were off to school, I was sitting in the formal dining room/play room / my office now that Brian is working from home too. Out of the corner of my eye I see a head staring at me. Mrs Deer was right up at the window. She gave me a heart attack. I couldn't get a picture of her full head she moved to quickly but I got her ears. 

Friday was full of wildlife, I was distracted during my meeting with this hawk sitting on our front tree. 

I ended the night with some hot chocolate from Ryze. It is a mushroom based hot chocolate. I will be honest I enjoyed it, but I don't think my kids would because it is not very sweet. Want to try some and save 15% with code ADRIENNEMAMAHOODWELL15

We had a fire and family movie night watching Toy Story 3. 

Cuddles on the couch. (minus a teenager who is to good for Disney family movie nights)


Early morning basketball game. Austin is having fun, even if they didn't win. There was a kid on the other team that was at least a head and a half taller than him. The other team was also from a different city that allows the kids at grades 3 and 4 to play rec and travel teams. 

After basketball we ran to Trader Joes. Yes it was crazy busy for a Saturday morning, it was also winter formal so a lot of girls picked out flowers for the dance. I will share a Trader Joes Haul soon, we got a lot of new fun, delicious finds. 

That afternoon I dropped Ella off at a Girl Scout event and got home and it all went downhill. I got hit with the stomach bug that Anna had Tuesday night to Friday. Same symptoms but hit me a lot harder and quick. Thankfully Brian was home to be able to pick up Ella.  

My kids were a little disappointed that a play date got cancelled, and Anna wasn't happy that she couldn't go to church so Brian made them a fun fort in Austin's room. 

With enough space for a mattress and they slept in it Saturday night. 


Sunday was a blur for me. No energy, I didn't even go down stairs, it was hard enough for me to walk down the hall to Austin's room to see his fort before they took it apart. We cancelled plans with our church group for an outing to the Cleveland Museum of Art and Little Italy for lunch. Brian did the grocery shopping that we needed (and then some). Ella helped give Anna a shower and wash her hair. It was all hands on deck with mom not being able to help. I pretty much slept half the day. 
Brian ended up taking the two younger kids across the street to play for a little bit, and to smoke a chicken. It turned into a bad idea when Austin ended up getting sick out of nowhere. 

The stomach bug is no fun and it is just slowly going through our house. I feel like no matter what you do there is no way around everyone getting it, no matter how much you clean and sanitize. I am thankful I got it last weekend and not this coming weekend where we have more plans that I don't want to cancel, but only time will tell what happens. Still waiting on #5 in the house to get it or by pure luck she doesn't because she only comes out of her room to eat. (teenager life)

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