Hey loves. Happy Friday. Boy has it been a week. I am in packing mood, purging, and cleaning. Audrianna is back to not sleeping. As I am writing this Thursday while she is at preschool and I am at the coffee shop, I am running on 4 hours of sleep. She also didn't take a nap yesterday. I am hoping a nap is in my future today. This weekend Brian wants to finish all the packing, minus some kitchen and bathroom staples. The countdown is on for us to get keys, get in the house and clean, paint, get carpet, and move in.

~ ONE ~
We celebrated Ella's birthday with a bowling party. She had 5 girls show up. They had a lot of fun. It was nice to see her smiling and giggling with her friends
~ TWO ~
As part of her birthday her cousin, Claudia, spent the night. They were behaved, and had fun. They went to bed at a decent time and played a lot of the Nintendo Switch.
Sunday morning we had 6 deer in our back yard (only 4 pictured) Claudia was shocked to see deer up close. Where she lives they don't get wild life like this. I am going to miss all the deer when we move.
~ FOUR ~
HIGH FIVE for completing a workout program. It feels great getting back into a routine for me. I feel accomplish for completing another workout program. It may have taken me four weeks to complete a three week program, but I did it!!!!!!
Things in life right now have been crazy with sick kiddos, prepping to move, kids in school, Ella’s birthday, etc. I still pushed myself to press play for 30 minutes a day, (most days) even on the days I didn’t want to. Some days you just give yourself grace.
My nutrition wasn’t perfect, I know I could have done better, but no regrets. I am down 5 pounds and a few inches.
I have more energy and I am sleeping better (when Anna sleeps). I was up at 530 this morning ready to rock this day.
I am seeing more definition in my arm muscles, and I lifting heavier.
I am loving the community and support from the other women in the virtual gym. From encouraging one another to sharing delicious recipes and more.
Am I happy with my results and the changes I have been making???? YES!!!
Could I have done better ?? yes
Changes don’t happen overnight. The scale and inches can fluctuate back and forth all the time and instead of getting frustrated I look at the positive and think of what my options really are:
1- Throw in the towel and forget about the progress and positive changes I have been making and go back to not having energy and feeling blah.
2- Take this as a win, right down my stats and keep moving forward. Continue working out and making positive changes. Continue nourishing my body to fuel my body, drink all the water, and focus on how strong I am feeling, and being proud of myself for getting back into a healthy routine.
I am going with option 2. I am going to continue to commit to sharing my journey to inspire and motivate you and other ladies to do the same!!!!!
~ FIVE ~
~ SIX ~
Austin must have had a rough Monday. He feel asleep on the way to my parents house after school. He is so sweet when he is sleeping.
I don't know who this girl is. While at my parents house my dad was doing the garbage. Ella went outside to help him. She does not do this at home.
The picture doesn't show the beauty as it was in person. The sky went from blue faded up to a gorgeous purple with the almost full moon. Ella was taking this picture from the backseat.
~ NINE ~
Some nights you just eat pumpkin ice cream on the kitchen floor. (then I suffered the rest of the night from eating dairy)
~ TEN ~
In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Monday- Fall Favorites
Tuesday- Ella's Birthday Weekend Recap
Wednesday- Barilla Creamy Genovese Pesto Review
Thursday- Prepping Produce
This Weeks Recipes:
Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,
Feel free to follow along.
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