Friday Favorites A Hot One

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Hey friends. We made it to Friday. It has been a crazy hot week. Everyday since Sunday temps have been above 90 degrees and heat index into the 100s. Northern Ohio normally only get a few days of this in August not in June for a full week. Ella and Anna have also been outside in the afternoon every day for safety town. I am so grateful that they have big fans, lots of water, and the police station is letting them hang out in their garage to take breaks. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

Father's Day morning. I made Brian breakfast. I asked Anna to go tell her dad that breakfast was done. She told him, but also hoped on the law mower to cut the grass for an additional 15 minutes. 

~ TWO ~

We saw two baby groundhogs. One climbed up the steps and was knocking on our neighbors back door (they were not home). 


Our church, one day a month in the summer (June - August) has a combined service at 10, (usually 9 and 11) outside. The kids were so well behaved enjoying the fresh air and coloring. 

~ FOUR ~

Checking items off our Summer Bucket ListSummer Bucket List, got ice cream looked for trains (didn't see any), and watching airplanes take off from the Cleveland airport. 

~ FIVE ~

Anna has been outside all week in the afternoon when it is the hottest. She has let me put her hair in a pony tail, pig tails, or a braid each day to keep it off her neck. We also pulled out of frogg togg towels that we usually only use on vacation and it has been so helpful keeping her cool. 

~ SIX ~

Since the girls are at Safety Town, Austin and I got some one on one time. He went grocery shopping with me and got to pick out a treat. The Dollar Store and he picked out two cars. One day we went to Target and he took pictures of ideas of what he wants for his birthday that is next month.


Double date night with our neighbors at the winery. This was the first time Ella watched her siblings for 3 hours and they did pretty good. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Wednesday - Hodge Podge

You Tube Videos of the Week

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1 comment

  1. It’s always nice when the older siblings can watch the younger ones, isn’t it?


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