Friday Favorites

 Hey friends. We made it to Friday. It is our first full week of summer. Austin ended up with strep throat, this boy has the worst luck this year. Everyone is feeling good now and ready for a fun Father's Day weekend. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

We celebrated National Donut day last Friday. Brian surprised the kids with a dozen donuts from Giant Eagle. They were eating donuts for 3 days. 

~ TWO ~

New mom wardrobe for when the temps are below 70. I originally ordered a large and it was to big so I went with a medium. So comfy even though Brian tells me I look like a farmer. 


I took the kids to get a fish to put in each of their fish tanks. Austin's beta died a few months ago but he was over 2 years old. Ella gave Anna her first tank. Anna ended up picking out a aquatic African frog, of which I had to sign a waived because it is an amphibian and risk of salmonella poisoning. Austin picked out neon tetra's. I was going to get him 2 but was told I they only sell them in as minimum of 3. I don't ever remember having so many rules to buy fish. The both are loving what they got. (Austin was afraid he was going to drop the bag that's his look)

~ FOUR ~

I am not a big sparkling water drinker. Brian got me this waterloo All Day Rose, which is alcohol free and so good. 

~ FIVE ~

Just a random night with friends that calls for cotton candy.

~ SIX ~

Anna and Austin got these wooden bricks from one of Brian's clients. They have had so much fun building with them and making their own "beds" on the floor. Anna is sleeping under the blanket.

    ~ SEVEN ~

Shh all 3 of them are playing together. All you have to do is lock Ella's phone so she can't use it and she comes out of her room and plays with her siblings without being asked. 


No they are not broken. We were at my parents house dropping Ella off for a sleepover. Ella found my sisters old boot and crutches. Both girls hopped around the house in them. 

~ NINE ~

Anna also found pom poms and danced around the house. 

~ TEN ~

This week there has been a lot of deer in the area. We had one baby hanging out all day in the woods. A different momma deer has come by every night, she had a cataract to pick her out. We also saw a mom with twins. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Tuesday - Summer Bucket List 2024 (free printable)
Wednesday- Our Summer Schedule (free printable)
Thursday- Bored Jar Summer Edition (free printable)

YouTube Videos from the past week:

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. National Donut day is a great day to celebrate!
    I love that jumpsuit, it looks so comfy!
    It is lovely when the kids play happily together.

    1. It is wonderful when the kids play happily together but it doesn't happen often enough

  2. Oh no that poor kid! I hope he's feeling better and doesn't pass it along to everyone else. I love your new mom wardrobe. It looks quite comfy.


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