Hey loves. Happy Monday. How was your weekend? I am so thankful that ours slowed down from the past few weeks. Things have been crazy around here and I haven't just done a life update recently. Here is a quick life update from the past 3 weeks. (which when I look back feels like so much longer ago)
The last week in August our family took an adventurous road trip to Florida and spent two days at Disney. I have started sharing about our vacation:
We came home on Sunday August 29 and Ella started 4th grade on Monday. Not the best of planning on our part, we had anticipated starting school after Labor Day again this year as we had the past few years, but that didnt happen. We also booked out vacation 9 months or so before we left (our free trip was expiring). Thankfully everything worked out well.
So far this year Ella is enjoying school. She has already joined green team, which has something to do with recycling, she loves riding the bus, and her best friend is in her class. She hasn't given us any problems going to school. I hope it stays that way.
Austin had his first day of full day Kindergarten on Wednesday September 1st. He will tell you school takes to long and he wants to leave after lunch. He is loving buying lunch a few times a week and is trying new foods. We walk to and from school everyday. It has been a great one on one time and he is so talky.
Audrianna started perky kids school 2 days a week for 90 minutes. It has been a rough start. She has only gone 3 days. The first day she cried the second half of the class. The second class she cried the first 15 minutes. The third class she cried on and off the whole class. We knew it was going to be an adjustment to being away from her mommy. But we both need this time. I have gone to Panera Bread two the days and got some blog work done, the other day I went to Trader Joes and relaxed at Starbucks.
Ella is loving her new Girl Scout troop. She does say at times she misses me being the leader, but she is happy her best friend is in her troop again and she isn't being treated unfairly from the co-leader. (her best friend left our troop previously due to the co-leader) Her new troop recently went to a local state park, learned about habitats and poison ivy, picked up litter and had a picnic.

This is the big changes that are going on. In the last two weeks we have put in an offer on a house, schedule to have our house photographer and inspected, decluttered/purged/cleaned out house, got our offer accepted, put our house on the market, got an accepted off on our house in less that 6 hours of being on the market. It has been a wire wind. Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly, there has been some hiccups along the way but they have been resolved. We should be moving the beginning of November. Still lots of packing to do but it will be well worth it. Then I will officially say I am never moving again.
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Congrats on the new house! What a busy time. So glad you got to use your Disney trip before it expired... we did not but I knew that was going to happen as I was completely unwilling to go to Florida in the summer and with two kids in two different schools we no longer have time during the schoolyear to go. I'm hopeful we can make it there again someday and just put the cost we paid towards the new trip...